Sunday, July 28, 2013

Mexican Abroad

So the year came too soon to an end. The people we met and times we shared will now become cherished memories to remember the times we were young. The perfect time to travel and be free from any commitments and worries we live by back in the states. It’s a time when you live by the moment, by intuition, when strangers become friends, and those friends become our family. A family that sees our greatest times (laughter) and our worst times (face down on a toilet). It is easily one of the greatest experiences this Mexican has ever had. You learn, grow, and live so much that it is hard to believe it all happened in just two months. But all that was lived will not be forgotten but rather incorporated into my life back in the U.S. Important life lessons to seriously keep in mind such as having siestas between 2pm and 5pm are a necessity, that partying till 6am should be a routine, that oil makes all food taste better  whether on rice, bread, salad, or yogurt, that the beach is your skins best friend, having a beer and sangria mid-day is normal, that any time is a good time to find Spanish shops open, and placing a “th” sound where the “s” should be in a word means you speak Spanish.

And now for the real reason we were here in Spain - Architecture studio and academics.
……..collaging was fun.

So to the great times lived and the great people they were shared with ..Cheers!

This is only the beginning.


1 comment:

  1. I am so sorry for the worst time when you had to face the toilet most of the time during the trip to island Tabarca!!!
    And I agree with ya "this is only the beginning"
