Monday, August 8, 2016


It still has not hit me that I have left Guardarmar. In the midst of leaving Spain, coming home for a couple days and moving in to my new home in Oakland, I feel as if some sort of stability or comfort is missing. A ritual. The ritual of eating lunch at 2pm. The ritual of siestas. The ritual of grabbing chorizo bocadillos in the evening. The ritual of running up and down between the 2nd the 3rd floor to see what people were up to in other apartments. Ritual. It was, in a way, the center of the studio. We learned how ritual could be birthed by experiences--experiences activated by architectural qualities. But I guess the ritual I am speaking of more, is the ritual birthed by the experiences with people. THIS is what caused the stability this summer. The lovely people in the studio. I want to thank each and every one of them for allowing me to see myself and the physical world differently. I take every discussion with heart, and I am thankful for the comfort they gave me this summer. 


Sunday, August 7, 2016

And that's a wrap!

Sadly, all things must pass.  Away with the late nights and the daily bolognesa.  Away with the oppressive summer heat but also away with the joys of travel.  A fond adiĆ³s to the little town of Guardamar del Segura.  But most of all...cheers to the friends who made this summer a special one, who, with intention or no, turned themselves wholeheartedly into a true, tight-knit family in the few short weeks that we knew each other.  Here's to all of you!  

And with that (and the last of the blog posts for a while), that's a wrap for summer studio 2016, folks!

See you all tomorrow afternoon on the terrace.  


Fear your dreams

This summer for me has been about growing and learning. Growing as a person and learning not only things about architecture but also different cultures, languages and people. I came to the study abroad program with a little bit of fear and anxiousness of not knowing what to expect. I recently read lighted sign in London that said "Do one thing a day that scares you" and it reminded me of the quote “if your dreams don’t scare you, they’re not big enough.” I think fear is always though about as a bad thing. The thoughts that might go through one’s head (especially mine) is what can I expect?, what if i fail? but I’ve learned to not fear failure so much because from failures we learn and grow and hopefully not repeat those same mistakes. 

Before when I thought about the fear of failing in architecture, I often thought about “What if I’m not good enough?” but when I read that quote (dreams one) it really resonated with me because it made me feel ok about feeling a little unsure and fearful of the unknown. It makes you a better person (of course depending on what kind of fear) and for me personally a better architect because it makes me strive harder to do my best and open my mind to the unknown and let the new information into my storage of knowledge. You can learn something from everyone and as long as you have that mentality you will always grow and become better. 

In dance there’s always fear when trying new moves, especially of falling and injuring yourself. I would sometimes let that affect me (after getting injured) and it would affect my performance since I wasn’t able to do the move, only when I wasn’t thinking about it. I also was nervous and fearful before each performance, thinking about the dance and who’s out there watching, etc. but it pushed me to do better because I didn’t want to mess up and wanted to do my best. The same happens to me before every review and I am still working on it because sometimes the nerves get the best of me and my mind blanks, which is why most of the time I write everything down.

This summer has been a great experience for me. Although, there have been some difficulties and struggles, I am grateful for that push and challenge because I feel those challenges wouldn’t be given to me unless some potential could be seen in me. I definitely learned a lot, not only from the instructors but from my peers/friends. Traveling after the program, by myself, I once again found myself a bit fearful but I remind myself that is part of the adventure and it is part of life. The day you no longer have a bit of fear, you become complacent and mediocre and that is not conducive to your growth as a person or in your profession. Anything that makes you feel that way you should try to get out of. I’ve become more confident but there always a slight fear. It is also important to be aware and recognize what kind of fear you feel because it shouldn’t inhibit you from doing what you want to do. It is important to not let fear paralyze you but instead persevere and push through to make it to the other side. We have to make the best of the time we have and that’s what I intend to do. I’m so happy of my decision to take the Spain summer studio and will never regret it (even if I’m left broke afterwards haha).

by Alessa Guerrero

Saturday, August 6, 2016


Guardamar is a small town. And by small I mean 17,000 people kind of small. When I first arrived in Guardamar in early June, I was surprised by how quiet it is. It seemed to me that the average inhabitant was over the age of 65 and most of them linger around the pension bar. The streets were so quiet at night at 10pm that you can hear crickets chirping. Being a lover of big cities, I didn’t know how I would survive two months here. 

However as time went by, I discovered the little joys that make this a special place. The beach at Guardamar is truly a gem. Never have I ever lived so close to the beach so I didn’t realize how great it is. So great that I’d give up siesta time to soak up the sun and to float in the sea so that says a lot. 

Although I have mentioned this before but the bolognese at the pension is so amazing that I didn’t mind eating it several days in a row. Another little joy is the Guardamar Castle. Yes, it was an uphill climb up but the view at the top was all worth it. I had to go multiple times for site studies but I would get lost in the beautiful sunset. Grabbing a drink at Savannah’s at the end of the day with everyone was so relaxing.

Towards the end of July, Guardamar transformed into a different town. The advent of young tourists and families turned the town into a lively place. The artisan market and the street where Savannah is were always full of people. The beach got very packed and the mercadillo become difficult to navigate through.

Things got especially crazy when the “Moros y Chrisitanos” festivals begin. During nightfall, people dressed up in black, hooded clothes and fired EXTREMELY loud shots of “fireworks” into the sky. It was quite frightening but it surely kept me up to do work. After that people lined the streets waiting for the parade, which went on for hours and hours. AND after that are the after parties that went until sunrise. It was amazing to watch this transformation. Guardamar became a special place.

After two months there, it felt like home. Even though I am no longer in Guardamar, it will always be a place that I can proudly say I’ve lived. 


The End of PacoTheFish2k16

There are not enough words to describe how incredible, amazing, life-changing this summer studio was. I flew into Spain not knowing what to expect, not knowing who most of my classmates were, not knowing if I could spend two months in a different country. But each day I learned something new about my classmates, my professors, Spain, and myself. Classmates became family. Instructors became lifelong friends. Spain became HOME. 60 days may seem like a decent amount of time to be abroad, but when you're making memories with a new family, it is not long enough.

This summer I had the pleasure of living with Nuri Lee-Hong.
Relationship between Shannon Kim and Nuri Lee-Hong:
- friends since 1st grade
- attended elementary, high school, and college together
- architecture major
- our grandmas are good friends

Now, living with Nuri has definitely been a memorable experience. Early on, I knew that she and I should have reality show. Thanks to Snapchat I was able to capture some of these moments. I call this series The Unfortunate Encounters of Nuri Lee-Hong 

Dinner time in Guardamar: I was busy working on my project... or watching Netflix, and Nuri was nice enough to bring me my leftovers. 

In the end, we shared my leftovers and bonded. 

Bird Poop: Good luck / Bad luck? 


Lost phone? 

Last class excursion in the BEAUTIFUL Altea. 


It's all good. We found it. 

Thanks for being such a fun, loving, CHILL roommate this summer. Fate has a way of bringing us together, and I hope you know that I appreciate you so much. Thanks for all the memories! Cheers to many many more years of friendship. 

Now, for something more personal.
 I came into this program unsure about myself as an architecture major. I came to Spain nervous about being abroad for 2 months, but as the summer went on I learned more about architecture, Spain and myself than I ever thought I could. I saw architecture that made my heart ache. I worked with talented, driven peers. I learned from passionate, enthusiastic instructors. Through all the excursions, assignments, conversations, meals I learned so much about myself, and I've become more like the person I always wanted to be- that is, confident, brave, independent, and creative. I cannot thank my classmates and instructors enough. 

Nuri, Jenny, Adriana, UJ, Laila, Alessa, Sherman, Jeremiah, Mateo 
Thank you. Thank you. Thank you. Thanks for all the life lessons, advice, love and support. Thanks for dragging me out of my room and encouraging me to LIVE. I love you all. 

Bernie, Alex, Mari <3 nbsp="" p="">
Thank you for this program. Thank you for your passion. Thank you for being genuine, loving, amazing people. Thank you. THANK YOU. THANK YOU. I'LL MISS YOU GUYS SO MUCH. 

Thank you so much. 

- Shanton/Sheh-non/Shan Bear/ Shan 

Friday, August 5, 2016

Thank you, thank you, and thank you

There are so many words that I can use to describe this summer: amazing, funny, emotional, hot, confusing, eye-opened, and so on. However, “thank you” is the only thing I would like to say to everyone and everything happened during this summer.

Thank you Spain for being a wonderful country with all the passionate people, food, and dance.

Thank you Guardamar for being so peaceful to being so crazy.
Thank you everyone in Jaen Pension for being so friendly to us and giving us so much food.

Thank you Isa for making me the champion of the staring game.

Thank you Berny for making us look goooood in the film. The trailer really moves me.

Thank you Mari for being an ice-breaker on the train and on the bus to help me to break my shyness and show my silly personality to everyone.

Thank you Alejandro for being an inspiring instructor who opened my mind to see architecture differently. The way you talk about architecture really makes me ponder over the way I criticize architecture.

Thank you myself for being brave to accept this challenge and finished it well.

Thank you my homies for being supporting, encouraging, helping, and laughing with me all the time. 10 of us are really the perfect size for this studio. Love you guys and good luck to everyone! 
Thank you Adriana, Alessa, Jenny, Jeremiah, Laila, Mateo, Nuri, Shannon, UJ.

So graceful for being one part of the Guardamar studio. The best summer I have ever had.

Thank you


Love, Nuri(a)

Guardamar del Segura has been an amazing experience-- I am sad it has come to an end. As Alejandro stated before, it is not the places that make the experience, but the people you are with. Going into this program, I was a bit hesitant when I found out that there were only going to be ten people. Little did I know, this only meant that we would be closer. Each an every person I've met on this trip has turned into a valuable relationship that I only hope will continue from here.

To Adriana: Hello Adriana! I'm so glad we got close and even went to Barcelona just us two! Sorry for koala hugging you in my sleep-- I couldn't help it... You are such an inspiring peer to have in class and I look forward to being in the same studio as you <3 a="" anjing-luh="" are="" basic="" definitely="" div="" funny="" not="" one="" you="">

To Alessa: Hello dancing buddy-- I love you because you are always ready to dance-- If no one else will dance with me, I know you will :) I will miss you and I know you graduated Berkeley already so be sure to visit us a lot!

To Jenny: Hello Jenny! I'm so glad I got close to you on this trip and its crazy that we were able to travel together afterwards too :) I have been able to see so many different sides of you (HAHA) and I know that this upcoming studio will be lit. Hooray for all the great memories we've made (too many to say here) and the memories to come!

To Jeremiah: Jeremiah! Even though I am on your kill list I hope you know I still love you (hehe). I admire your architecture work a lot and I hope that we will be able to have a reunion in the future :) I will miss your obsession with soccer and that one Spanish song you play over and over HAHA. 

To Mateo: Hello Hubbie <3 :d="" a="" and="" back="" berkeley="" breathe="" can="" cannot="" churning="" definitely="" div="" drag="" escape="" find="" from="" funny="" had="" haha--="" humor="" i="" in="" laugh="" lot="" make="" many="" me="" miss="" moments="" my="" on="" real="" s="" shannon="" so="" t="" terrace="" the="" though="" to="" understand="" until="" ve="" video="" visit="" we="" well="" will="" you="">

To Laila: Lailaaaaa <3 a="" actually="" always="" and="" aoki="" appreciate="" architecture="" are="" be="" buddy.="" close="" continue="" div="" down="" for="" forever="" glad="" good="" got="" group="" have="" head="" hot="" i="" in="" know="" m="" my="" on="" party="" really="" ritual="" same="" sauce="" shoulders="" steve="" successful="" summer="" that="" the="" this="" time="" to="" we="" were="" will="" world="" yay="" you="" your="">

To Shannon: Shannon! Hello crazy roommate-- I'm so glad we got close over this summer despite my crazy sleeping patterns heheheh. It is crazy that we've known each other for so long-- our grandmas know each other, we went to disneyland together, we did our prom hair at the same place, etc. I know we will see each other in the future architecture world (like you said) and hopefully my bad luck will have run out by then ;). Luv u

To Sherman: Sherman I will miss you and your modeling, but I know that I will see you in Wurster next year <3 :="" alien="" always="" an="" commentary.="" complain="" div="" entertainment="" for="" from="" great="" have="" its="" lets="" me="" oranges="" providing="" thank="" this="" together="" upcoming="" with="" year="" you="" your="">

To UJ: Hi best friend for life-- you are probably one of the most unique personality types that I've ever met, but I love you for it and I'm so glad I met you on this trip. I know I never return your "I miss you" or "I love you guys" but know that I do love you <3 and="" bother="" but="" div="" floor="" for="" here="" i="" many="" memories="" on="" say="" sure.="" the="" third="" this="" to="" too="" upcoming="" visit="" will="" year="" you="">

To Maria: Maria! I am so glad that we were able to have you as our GSI. You are so passionate and have such a love for architecture that has inspired me a lot. I know that you will be successful in the architecture world (you already are) and I aspire to be like you! I remember the first time you were putting salt on your salad and I thought it was weird but now I always put salt on mine :).
P.s. Tell Jacobo I say hello <3 a="" and="" d:.="" div="" him="" i="" lot="" miss="" nbsp="">

To Bernie: Hi Bernie! This summer wouldn't have been the same without you following us around with your camera. There have been so many funny and embarrassing moments that you've captured of me (please spare me in the documentary) but we have definitely all enjoyed your presence :) I will miss your crazy teleportation and look forward to seeing what you put together!

To Alejandro: Thank you for being an amazing and inspiring professor. I've learned so much from this program and all of your informal to formal talks with us. I definitely appreciate the thought you have put into this program and organizing it-- I definitely think I have grown as an architect! You have challenged me to look at the world differently, which is so valuable and I know that I will only grow from here. Be sure to visit us in Berkeley!

I love you all and hope we stay in contact!!! May we meet again in the world of Architecture <3 div="">

A.k.a. Nuria

Those Little (but not so little) Things

The instagram pictures that I posted during my time in Spain always included "xx/60" (e.g. 12/60, 40/60, etc) to indicate how many days I had spent in the program. However, as the first two digits slowly approached 60, I couldn't help but feel sad, knowing that I only had a few days left in Spain. Of course, I enjoyed every city I've been to throughout this program, like Madrid, Valencia, Granada, Altea, etc. Each city is special in its own way and I knew since the beginning that I'm definitely gonna miss all these places.

However, what I didn't expect was how the simple things that I experienced daily in Guardamar would impact me. What do I mean by "little things" in the blog post? Well, they are simple stuffs like the pension, alioli, that yellow cafe, etc. Hence, this post will be about the top 10 little but not so little things that I miss now as I am writing this post, about 7,700 miles away from Spain.

1. Vicente!

I can't believe Vicente is the first word that came to my mind now haha! Vicente is the friendly man who runs Restaurant Jaen where we always had our lunch during weekdays. We would see him everyday working in the restaurant, serving food for breakfast, lunch and dinner. A personal story... On the first week of class, my dad came to Guardamar for a few hours to visit me and I remember Vicente offering my dad to stay in the Pension for free!

Selfie with Vicente xD

2. Isa and her staring game

On the last two or three weeks of the program, Isa engaged us in this staring game (the one who got distracted first, lost) almost everyday. I could see her improving day by day, but the ultimate winner was still Jenny. Isa would also occasionally borrow my iPhone to play with the snapchat filters. Ah, I'm gonna miss Isa!!!

3. Movie Night

This studio, we talked a lot about rituals. One of my favorite one, besides eating, is of course, our movie night. Watching Spanish movies under the stars, when will I be able to do that again? Nights in Guardamar are always beautiful. Perhaps because it's summer and the sky is clear most of the time. So I could see bright stars almost every night. Oh, also, I witnessed my first shooting star during one of the movie nights!

4. Food

Warm toasted bread with alioli, salad with salt and olive oil, flan, helado...... hmmmm.....
I also happen to be the type of person who cannot not have breakfast. So, I would often go to Habana Cafe to get their 1 Euro neapolitan chocolate bread, or downstairs for the pension's 30 cents magdalenas.

5. The Terrace and Our Workspace

I felt kind of sad seeing the cleaned-up terrace for the reception after final review. The terrace holds a special place in my heart. Perhaps because of the "rituals" assignment, so each team had its own role in transforming the terrace. Those colorful inflatable pools, the portable cardboard tables, roundtable discussion, shaded pin-up spot, mattresses for movie nights... I shall always remember them!

The portable table and shelves that Mateo and I worked on (2 out of the 5 things we came up with for our eating ritual!)

6. Pension's Wifi

... which did not always work. Well, I didn't really miss the pension's wifi but I found it funny because sometimes it worked on my laptop, but not on my phone and vice versa. Sometimes it worked in my bedroom... but most of the time not. However, the signal is always the strongest in Jeremiah and Sherman's room, so we would often go there for wifi!

7. Jacobo

Marie's dog came to the pension after our independent travel week. I would say that he's the most obedient dog I've seen thus far. See, my dog will obey me only when I give him treat, but with Jacobo, it's completely different. I guess we kind of bonded when I had to look after him for a couple of hours one night. 

Jacobo that evening!

8. Siestas

... on the couch in my living room.

9. Writing letters to Mr. Palomar

Everyday during the program, we wrote letters to Mr. Palomar on our journals, pouring down our observations and thoughts. Well, I found myself observing things more deeply these days and constantly having questions in my mind. Now, writing letters to him is no longer a commitment, like, I don't have the obligation to write them anymore. But, it feels kind of weird. Perhaps, I should start writing them again to keep track of my thoughts? I guess that's a pretty good idea.

10. Pension

The restaurant, my apartment, the terrace.

To end this post, I miss all my homies, Isa, Alex, Marie, Bernie, Paco (the fish), Jacobo and I shall always cherish the 2 months we spent together in Spain. And Spain, will always have a special place in my heart.

- Adriana

Thursday, August 4, 2016

Mi Nuevo Familia

Summer Studio in Spain is not only about the places you go, the things you do, or the experiences - it is more than that...

It is about the family you create here while you're in Spain. 
The family that you connect with, share your experiences with - laugh, eat, and be silly with.
 People within your program get to know you, and thats a good thing - it’ll make your summer experience better. This is my family of summer 2016 - and I am so grateful to have met them.

The Professors - Alejandro y Mari

Basically only the greatest professors you’ll ever have as studio professors. They know so much and are willing to share that - and it is truly inspiring how much dedication they pour into this studio. They want you to learn, to experience the culture, to enjoy Spain and its craziness. Gracias otra vez Alejandro y Mari por todo. <3 font="">

The Sass Monster - Isa

What's a summer without the right amount of sass? This girl right here is full of life and full of sass. She enjoys traveling with us and redefined our whole summer experience, making us laugh, cry, and be silly. She allowed us to get out of our comfort zone and I thank her for that. Even with all that sass. :)

The Guy Who Loves Florida - Berny

He’s always there when you least expect it, whether it is filming or talking about his love for Florida! :P However, he does take fantastic shots of our studio and our experiences. Documenting the entire summer of 2016 in Spain is a lot - and Berny did a wonderful job in capturing the precious moments we all shared with each other. Thank you Berny, and I can’t wait to see the film!

The Homies - the Class of Summer Studio Spain 2016

Despite there being only 10 of us, I think we made the most of it, and we all got to know each other a little bit more. I am so grateful to have met each and every one of you. We all bonded and shared experiences that are indescribable, and I will cherish these moments. I hope we can continue our adventures back in the Bay!

// mateo //