Saturday, August 6, 2016

The End of PacoTheFish2k16

There are not enough words to describe how incredible, amazing, life-changing this summer studio was. I flew into Spain not knowing what to expect, not knowing who most of my classmates were, not knowing if I could spend two months in a different country. But each day I learned something new about my classmates, my professors, Spain, and myself. Classmates became family. Instructors became lifelong friends. Spain became HOME. 60 days may seem like a decent amount of time to be abroad, but when you're making memories with a new family, it is not long enough.

This summer I had the pleasure of living with Nuri Lee-Hong.
Relationship between Shannon Kim and Nuri Lee-Hong:
- friends since 1st grade
- attended elementary, high school, and college together
- architecture major
- our grandmas are good friends

Now, living with Nuri has definitely been a memorable experience. Early on, I knew that she and I should have reality show. Thanks to Snapchat I was able to capture some of these moments. I call this series The Unfortunate Encounters of Nuri Lee-Hong 

Dinner time in Guardamar: I was busy working on my project... or watching Netflix, and Nuri was nice enough to bring me my leftovers. 

In the end, we shared my leftovers and bonded. 

Bird Poop: Good luck / Bad luck? 


Lost phone? 

Last class excursion in the BEAUTIFUL Altea. 


It's all good. We found it. 

Thanks for being such a fun, loving, CHILL roommate this summer. Fate has a way of bringing us together, and I hope you know that I appreciate you so much. Thanks for all the memories! Cheers to many many more years of friendship. 

Now, for something more personal.
 I came into this program unsure about myself as an architecture major. I came to Spain nervous about being abroad for 2 months, but as the summer went on I learned more about architecture, Spain and myself than I ever thought I could. I saw architecture that made my heart ache. I worked with talented, driven peers. I learned from passionate, enthusiastic instructors. Through all the excursions, assignments, conversations, meals I learned so much about myself, and I've become more like the person I always wanted to be- that is, confident, brave, independent, and creative. I cannot thank my classmates and instructors enough. 

Nuri, Jenny, Adriana, UJ, Laila, Alessa, Sherman, Jeremiah, Mateo 
Thank you. Thank you. Thank you. Thanks for all the life lessons, advice, love and support. Thanks for dragging me out of my room and encouraging me to LIVE. I love you all. 

Bernie, Alex, Mari <3 nbsp="" p="">
Thank you for this program. Thank you for your passion. Thank you for being genuine, loving, amazing people. Thank you. THANK YOU. THANK YOU. I'LL MISS YOU GUYS SO MUCH. 

Thank you so much. 

- Shanton/Sheh-non/Shan Bear/ Shan 

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