Monday, August 8, 2016


It still has not hit me that I have left Guardarmar. In the midst of leaving Spain, coming home for a couple days and moving in to my new home in Oakland, I feel as if some sort of stability or comfort is missing. A ritual. The ritual of eating lunch at 2pm. The ritual of siestas. The ritual of grabbing chorizo bocadillos in the evening. The ritual of running up and down between the 2nd the 3rd floor to see what people were up to in other apartments. Ritual. It was, in a way, the center of the studio. We learned how ritual could be birthed by experiences--experiences activated by architectural qualities. But I guess the ritual I am speaking of more, is the ritual birthed by the experiences with people. THIS is what caused the stability this summer. The lovely people in the studio. I want to thank each and every one of them for allowing me to see myself and the physical world differently. I take every discussion with heart, and I am thankful for the comfort they gave me this summer. 



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