Monday, July 30, 2012

All good things must end, but some good things influence us forever.

Well, it has ended. The program is over, and there are many places to see and visit and to absorb from next. However, it is hard to accept that the program is over. The experience, the great people, the fathom of the culture, the beauty of the beaches, the transformation of a town, they are no more a daily part of our lives. It is truly a bittersweet experience, yet it is more sweet than anything else.

It is funny how expectations work, or better yet, how they don't work. I have seen, experienced and learned things far beyond my expectations, from both the surrounding new world and about myself, both as a future professional and as an individual. I would completely recommend this program to any architecture student, or any other eligible person willing to make a unique experience out of their summer breaks. A few pieces of advice, though:

Don't be shy. Explore, Adventure, all within being safe of course, but dammit, get out of your safety bubble and absorb the world.

Learn at least basic Spanish before coming, it will do worlds of difference for your experience. It sounds silly and obvious but I've noticed it isn't something that is done whole-heartedly, making some people only wanting to 'get by' instead of mixing and mingling with the locals.

And most importantly: Open your mind to this program. There is a uniqueness in the approach, compared to studios done in UC Berkeley campus. It will compliment your academic and your personal mindset forever (hopefully).

Anyway, I had promised a few more panoramic shots, so I will post them with great pleasure.

 This shot is from top of the lighthouse in a town called Altea. If you notice on the top-right-ish part of the image, there is a red circle that indicates where the next panoramic (the one below) was taken from.

 Altea from a Panoramic scenery balcony. Red circle indicates the pier where the 1st Panoramic was taken. Beautiful Stuff.

This is from our beloved Guardamar! From atop the castle, looking into the town with the beach at the top edge. I guess a single cannon will defend the town perfectly.

This is a shot of Guardamar's main plaza, with Church and State on either side of it. 

This is the entrance plaza of Calatrava's Opera House in the city of Valencia. There is an entire complex of buildings designed by Calatrava in this city, in case you didn't know. I'll show a few more panoramics from this site.  

One of the several interesting interior spaces from  the same Opera House.

The Science Museum, same city, same designer. The Opera House is in the background.

The Science Museum from below the massive staircases on the last Panoramic. It is indeed an interesting massive project.

Anyway, that is all for now. My deepest thanks to Alex, Pacia, the Summer Abroad Staff and to my peers who made this trip not only possible, but an unforgettable experience. I will miss Spain, Guardamar, and all the extraordinary people that were part of my life these two months.

Thank you.
-Oscar Corral

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