Monday, July 14, 2014

General Traveling Tips

Don’t ask the waiter of a pizza place, where another pizza place is.
Don’t buy fabric softener and try to use it as detergent for the first two weeks.
Don’t sit in the sun all day at the mercadillo, even if you have an umbrella and a fan.
Don’t forget running shoes and then buy D-Max shoes at the mercadillo.
Don’t forget your camera lens cap and run around scratching it on your friend’s watch, making a grey spot on all your photos and videos.
Don’t fall asleep on the beach in Alicante for even fifteen minutes and get all your stuff jacked from right under your head.
Don’t stay out all night, after getting sprayed with a fire hose in Alicante and then get sick after.
Don’t sleep too much, but enough to wake up in time to catch the bus to Santa Pola.
Don’t order Burger King right before your train comes and then miss it.
Don’t walk into the ocean with your smart phone in your pocket.
Don’t get caught trying to sneak into Calatrava’s Hemispheric.
Don’t freak out on your mom for sending you a phone with no sim card in it, just turn it off and back on again.
Don’t take a drink if someone is about to say something so funny you spit it all over your MacBook or your friend.
Don’t climb a hill and a million stairs to get to a lit up cathedral only to find it’s not lit up at 3 am. Just don’t.
Don’t become a third wheel.

Don’t make these mistakes, or do, and some of your own; but don’t dwell on them. Don’t stay angry or frustrated, maybe come up with some hand and arm movements to let it out quickly. Appreciate every experience for what it is and enjoy where you are and who you’re with whether its hot, you’re hung over and exhausted, or you just got a million cuts or bug bites.  Embrace the nine hours of fish smell at the mercadillo, the “25 hour” sight seeing train, and the time you have to think after your phone gets stolen.

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