Wednesday, July 31, 2019

Frustrated gym rat

I wish I could contribute something more insightful and meaningful to the current conversation but my experience in Guardamar has been positive with the exception of the gym situation in Guardamar and throughout Spain.

First of all, most gyms in Spain operate during the most inconvenient hours. Even in larger cities they do not open until 9 am, when most people begin their workday and close at around 7pm. So you can’t get an early morning gym session to start the day. Saturdays hours are typically open from 10am- 3pm, leaving a small window in the day to get a workout. And apparently no one in Spain workouts on Sundays, I have yet to find a gym that is actually open on Sundays although their websites advertise that they are.

Second, the cost to workout at most gyms for a single session is typically upwards of 7 euro, which I am sure turns away many tourists from working out on their vacations.

Third, I am sure that someone has already covered this in an earlier blog but I feel that this needs more attention. Obtaining food with the perfect ratio of protein and carbs is important for living a healthy lifestyle therefore they need to stop overloading meals with carbs. Every meal that I’ve had in Spain thus far has always been high in carbs i.e. potatoes, pasta, or bread while lacking protein. I feel that I am constantly having to find various sources of protein to ensure that do not run a protein deficiency.

I hope that this is useful to someone or in the very least entertaining.

Rodrigo Ramirez

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