Wednesday, August 12, 2015

Faces and Words.

These are the people that I have met and spent the past two months with.

Alejandro Jasbon Salazar | genuine
There's something about Alejandro that really attracts people to him. He always finds an opportunity to engage in conversation and form new relationships with people. He's very much a people-person.

Sara Mira thorough
I've always thought that Sara has the most perfect qualities you can look for in a girlfriend and a wife. Her husband will be a lucky man.

Isa | spirited
Isa is the tiniest adult I've ever met. I tip my hat to you.

Alex Song | certain
I think it seems very natural for Alex to assume the alpha position within a group.

Cathleen Chiu | proactive
Cathleen is on an ongoing search for amusement and adventure. She is my elder, and I am her baby #2.

Dan Ho | mushy
Dan's tough, but she's also very mushy. Also, the candid pics I take of her always turn out the best, hands down.

Echo Liu | whimsical
Despite appearances, I think Echo is very capable of fending for herself given any kind of situation. Her positivity won out over my many failed attempts to annoy her.

Joan Kang | nurturing
Joan makes me feel comfortable because for some reason everything about her screams "home."

Krystial Cebe | dutiful
Krystial emits this kind of aura that assures me that I can depend on her, probably because everything she does is done with a hardened resolve.

Melanie Munoz | proper
I appreciate that Melanie is able to do the things that most wouldn't want to do regardless of whether or not she receives credit for doing them.

Nik Kretzschmar | pleasant
Nik is like a teddy bear. He's approachable and fairly open to strangers, even if they (namely, me) put up an invisible barrier.

Renee Yuen | intentional
I'm interested to know what kinds of things interest Renee. I feel like she finds very particular things amusing, and I'd like to know what they are.

Rondell Almodovar | inclusive
There are a lot of traits in Rondell that I aspire to adopt. He is my spirit guide and studio role model to whom I accredit so many happy and worthwhile memories.

Aliya Manguramas | insightful
Aliya is a scholar and a thinker who is able to see the bigger picture in most things. I have been humbled and reassured by her words time and time again. Words cannot express the gratitude I feel for your company and conversation. Thank you for being the greatest roommate/travel buddy that I could ever ask for. 

Thank you,

Amy Lee

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