Wednesday, August 5, 2015

pathos and architecture


Known by the locals as "el muerto," "el gusano," "el monstro," if ever pathos and architecture have merged, it is here between the shore of a mystic pink salt lake and the edge of a modest neighborhood of white stuccoed homes. On this threshold, Toyo Ito was commissioned some years ago to build a spa, and in the process (over-run by the Spanish financial crisis and local internal politics beyond Toyo's control), the local powers-that-be pulled the plug on the project leaving the semi-naked structure of this potential gem to rot under the blistering sun...or is the other way around? Is it a gem precisely because it sits unfinished in a beautiful state of decay never intended? Every year since 2010 we visit this mummy, this spiraling crustacean, this whale's carcass levitated on a concrete pedistal, and every year it is more beautiful in its entropic un-life. May we see you again in 2016, you tar paper beautiful you loads.



Just a thought: Cal should just buy us this toy and make it the official summer studio in Spain headquarters! Anyone know any donors?


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