Friday, August 5, 2016

Love, Nuri(a)

Guardamar del Segura has been an amazing experience-- I am sad it has come to an end. As Alejandro stated before, it is not the places that make the experience, but the people you are with. Going into this program, I was a bit hesitant when I found out that there were only going to be ten people. Little did I know, this only meant that we would be closer. Each an every person I've met on this trip has turned into a valuable relationship that I only hope will continue from here.

To Adriana: Hello Adriana! I'm so glad we got close and even went to Barcelona just us two! Sorry for koala hugging you in my sleep-- I couldn't help it... You are such an inspiring peer to have in class and I look forward to being in the same studio as you <3 a="" anjing-luh="" are="" basic="" definitely="" div="" funny="" not="" one="" you="">

To Alessa: Hello dancing buddy-- I love you because you are always ready to dance-- If no one else will dance with me, I know you will :) I will miss you and I know you graduated Berkeley already so be sure to visit us a lot!

To Jenny: Hello Jenny! I'm so glad I got close to you on this trip and its crazy that we were able to travel together afterwards too :) I have been able to see so many different sides of you (HAHA) and I know that this upcoming studio will be lit. Hooray for all the great memories we've made (too many to say here) and the memories to come!

To Jeremiah: Jeremiah! Even though I am on your kill list I hope you know I still love you (hehe). I admire your architecture work a lot and I hope that we will be able to have a reunion in the future :) I will miss your obsession with soccer and that one Spanish song you play over and over HAHA. 

To Mateo: Hello Hubbie <3 :d="" a="" and="" back="" berkeley="" breathe="" can="" cannot="" churning="" definitely="" div="" drag="" escape="" find="" from="" funny="" had="" haha--="" humor="" i="" in="" laugh="" lot="" make="" many="" me="" miss="" moments="" my="" on="" real="" s="" shannon="" so="" t="" terrace="" the="" though="" to="" understand="" until="" ve="" video="" visit="" we="" well="" will="" you="">

To Laila: Lailaaaaa <3 a="" actually="" always="" and="" aoki="" appreciate="" architecture="" are="" be="" buddy.="" close="" continue="" div="" down="" for="" forever="" glad="" good="" got="" group="" have="" head="" hot="" i="" in="" know="" m="" my="" on="" party="" really="" ritual="" same="" sauce="" shoulders="" steve="" successful="" summer="" that="" the="" this="" time="" to="" we="" were="" will="" world="" yay="" you="" your="">

To Shannon: Shannon! Hello crazy roommate-- I'm so glad we got close over this summer despite my crazy sleeping patterns heheheh. It is crazy that we've known each other for so long-- our grandmas know each other, we went to disneyland together, we did our prom hair at the same place, etc. I know we will see each other in the future architecture world (like you said) and hopefully my bad luck will have run out by then ;). Luv u

To Sherman: Sherman I will miss you and your modeling, but I know that I will see you in Wurster next year <3 :="" alien="" always="" an="" commentary.="" complain="" div="" entertainment="" for="" from="" great="" have="" its="" lets="" me="" oranges="" providing="" thank="" this="" together="" upcoming="" with="" year="" you="" your="">

To UJ: Hi best friend for life-- you are probably one of the most unique personality types that I've ever met, but I love you for it and I'm so glad I met you on this trip. I know I never return your "I miss you" or "I love you guys" but know that I do love you <3 and="" bother="" but="" div="" floor="" for="" here="" i="" many="" memories="" on="" say="" sure.="" the="" third="" this="" to="" too="" upcoming="" visit="" will="" year="" you="">

To Maria: Maria! I am so glad that we were able to have you as our GSI. You are so passionate and have such a love for architecture that has inspired me a lot. I know that you will be successful in the architecture world (you already are) and I aspire to be like you! I remember the first time you were putting salt on your salad and I thought it was weird but now I always put salt on mine :).
P.s. Tell Jacobo I say hello <3 a="" and="" d:.="" div="" him="" i="" lot="" miss="" nbsp="">

To Bernie: Hi Bernie! This summer wouldn't have been the same without you following us around with your camera. There have been so many funny and embarrassing moments that you've captured of me (please spare me in the documentary) but we have definitely all enjoyed your presence :) I will miss your crazy teleportation and look forward to seeing what you put together!

To Alejandro: Thank you for being an amazing and inspiring professor. I've learned so much from this program and all of your informal to formal talks with us. I definitely appreciate the thought you have put into this program and organizing it-- I definitely think I have grown as an architect! You have challenged me to look at the world differently, which is so valuable and I know that I will only grow from here. Be sure to visit us in Berkeley!

I love you all and hope we stay in contact!!! May we meet again in the world of Architecture <3 div="">

A.k.a. Nuria

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