Thursday, July 31, 2014

10 Things I Miss About California

My experiences in Spain have undoubtedly been some of the best I have had in my 22 years. From the new people I've had the privilege of meeting to all of the incredible sites I've been blessed to see, I have genuinely enjoyed the two months I have spent here. However, and perhaps it’s my homesickness talking, there are a number of things that Spain lacks that makes me more appreciative of all that we have in California.

1.       1. Air conditioning
             It’s too damn hot here to not have it.

2.      2.  Free refills
I remember the first time I ordered a Fanta and was subsequently charged again for the second one. No Bueno.
2a. Free water
I also remember the first time I ordered water under the impression that it was going to be free. Reality: About the same price as the Fanta.

3.      3.  English speakers
The Spanish speakers may not understand, but the struggle is real.

4.       4. Mobile data
            Although it’s nice to be disconnected for a while, sometimes you just want to update your Instagram.

5.       5. Customer service
             It is virtually nonexistent here until they discover the tipping system. La quenta, por favor?

6.      6.  In-N-Out
Once I hop off the plane, I know where I’m heading. Double-Double and Animal Fries, anyone?

7.       7. The pedestrian right-of-way
            In Berkeley, cars stop for you.

8.       8. The dollar bill
I don’t like carrying around coins, especially when one is worth more than an American dollar.

9.       9. The store hours
While having a siesta is nice, just make sure you don’t need anything vital between 2 and 5:00 here.

1     10. The California sunset
                You’re beautiful, Spain, but I prefer my sunsets to be over the ocean.

I have thoroughly enjoyed meeting and working alongside each of you. If our paths don't cross again, best of luck to you all, wherever your lives may take you.

-       -  Trenton

Tuesday, July 15, 2014


Tupperware. Tupperware. Tupperware. At Pension Jaen, one of the first things you’ll do when you arrive to Guardamar is go to Mercadona or the Chino Store and buy tupperware. Vicente, one of the liveliest people you’ll meet, is in charge of the Jaen restaurant, the place you’ll eat during the week. At the Pension they give enormous portions that are merely impossible to finish in one sitting. They start off with a salad, bread with allioli, and drinks, then you get a starter plate that typically consist of paella (a typical spanish dish) or pasta, and then the main dish that consists of creative creations from the cooks. Because this is so much food, the routine at the Pension is to bring your tupperware and save one of the dishes for dinner. 

Once you’re packed and ready to go you must hurry because if you take to long, once you reach one of the 3 small refrigerators, your tupperware might not fit, and you’ll have to do an intense game of Tetris trying to reorganize everyone else's plate to make space for your dish. 

Once you decide it’s dinner time, you grab your tupperware and a dish and put it in the microwave. Make sure you have napkins, and MAKE SURE TO WASH YOUR DISHES AFTER YOU FINISH. It’s so easy for dishes to pile up!

This is the typical dinning routine at the Pension Jaen. It’s an essential part of the experience of the Architecture Studio in Spain. 

- Ekaxi

An Unforgettable Trip

After having gone to many inspiring places and experiencing a new culture, there is one of many highlights that I want to talk about.

That highlight was the Valencia trip we made as a class and the visit to the beautiful City of Arts and Sciences, designed by star architect Santiago Calatrava. We went in the morning, visited the buildings from the interior and even returned for the evening. We ended up spending all day at the very memorable site. A really great experience I won’t forget anytime soon!


Cantinflas en España

While drinking a beer at the Pension bar, I met an interesting man that claims to have met Mario Moreno (Cantinflas). Cantinflas is an icon of what is consider "Cine de Oro Mexicano" which took place approximately between 1920s to 1950s.  Being a fan of Cantinflas and his comedy films (which  half of them are in black & white), Francisco the man who claims to have met Cantinflas had my complete attention.  He mention that Cantinflas was in Alicante looking for bulls to purchase which is a feasible possibility as Cantinflas did in fact have a fascination for bull fighting.  With a few Jin & Tonics,a very Mexican accent and way of being, Francisco continued to imitate Cantinflas gestures as well as his peculiar ability to play with words  to compose sentences that where very long but said very little.  Francisco's fourth Jin & Tonic and our conversation about the great Cantinflas was interrupted by a call on his cell phone, it was the wife so he had to leave.  There is that possibility that being the joker that he is Francisco could have lied to me just to pass a good time, but I enjoyed the moment and I enjoyed entertaining the idea that he did met Cantinflas.

-Alfredo Coronel


Part of this studio experience is learning how to create videos.  However as interesting and exciting the learning process can be, you should be critical about selecting music and sound for your videos..remind yourself of Mies van der Rohe’s words-less is more. 

World Cup

Summer in Spain in fun. Summer in Spain during the World Cup is even better. I definitely don't think that this summer would've been the same if we weren't here during a World Cup year. Often times, our daily schedules, and even our class schedules, revolved around watching these games. But better yet - better than postponing night class just so we could watch soccer games - was experiencing how something as simple as an international sport tournament could bring all different types of people from every corner of the world together.

The most memorable World Cup experience I had was watching a Mexico game with a group of Mexican friends from our program at a sports bar in Madrid. It was packed with Mexico fans. It was rowdy, it was loud, it was crazy. But the comradely created between so many complete strangers through one common interest was amazing. 


Monday, July 14, 2014

Experiencing Spain through Textures :)


Karaoke Night in Guardamar


Robin's Adventure in Spain

This is a place holder until I find the time to write something much more meaningful

Squid ink paella is tasty.

Traveler in Me ~ Horizons

It is hard to find a place where you feel complete, where you are challenged to be free and grow from the inside out. Until now, every day has been memorable & breathe taking. I’ve learned to truly hone my self-discovery and break free from my own limits. Spain has been beautiful all around, from Granada to Valencia and Guardamar del Segura to Barcelona.The best part has been to learn to see the world with new eyes; ranging from new design techniques to new perspectives. To see the world as a poet and to not be afraid to be a wanderer of life. The one thing that resonates with me the most has been the presence of water and the infinite horizon lines in every travel and site visit. It is a symbol that life goes on and it is there for you to conquer and leave a legacy.

~Ana Tenorio

Sky in Barcelona

Sometimes, When It’s Raining
Sometimes, when it’s raining, I feel a little lonely. The grey sky reminds me so much of Guangzhou’s sky, the greyness that enveloped us, even in the summer. I miss my friends, my family, especially when my feet are wet and I’m so far from home. 

I hate raining, but thing starts to change after I have been to Barcelona.

Double Rainbow

Palm Trees
Blue and Pink

Sometimes, when it’s raining, I listen to love songs.

Sometimes, when it’s raining, I begin to feel alive. I start to have those thoughts like “everything is washed away”.

Sometimes, I found the beauty of rain.

Carol in Spain